How to Reduce Acne Scarring

How to Reduce Acne Scarring

The pimples and blemishes caused by acne can be frustrating, embarrassing and, unfortunately, persistent. When your acne has finally cleared up, the last thing you want are marks and acne scars left behind to haunt you.

Luckily, there are a number of ways you can reduce acne scarring. Treatments vary based on the type and severity of the scars, but there are a variety of options that can help you to achieve clearer, scar-free skin.

Acne Scar Treatment Options

Home Remedies & Skin Care Products

Much of the time, mild acne scars will fade gradually on their own. For minor scars that won't fade, there are a variety of dermatologist recommended skincare products available at local pharmacies. Other skin care product lines that can help with the treatment of acne scars are available through medical spas and dermatology offices. These products can be used at home and are an affordable option for treating the scars that acne leaves behind.

Here at Garcia Plastic & Hand Surgery, we highly recommend the SkinMedica line of skin care products. These products include scientifically proven ingredients that help to enhance the natural appearance of your skin. We carry a full line of these products here in our office. Give us a call at 518-793-0475 or contact us online to learn more.

Chemical Peels

For people with stubborn acne scars, facial chemical peels are often a great option for improving the condition of the skin. This treatment is administered by a medical professional in a clinical setting. It involves applying a chemical solution to the face that helps to remove dead skin and improve smoothness and texture.

At Garcia Plastic & Hand Surgery, we offer a number of chemical peels from SkinMedica. Based on your skin's needs, we will select the treatment that is most appropriate for you. Check out these before and after photos to see what a difference chemical peels can make! Think a chemical peel might be the acne scar solution for you? Schedule a free consultation with us today!

Micro-Needling Treatments

Also known as Collagen Induction Therapy, micro-needling is a unique treatment that uses tiny needles to create microchannels in your skin in order to stimulate your skin's natural ability to heal itself. Because micro-needling treatments can help treat skin discoloration, hyper-pigmentation and scars, they are a great option for individuals who want to erase the evidence of acne.

Skin improvements from micro-needling treatments can be seen in a relatively short period of time, so if you are interested in having healthier, brighter, younger looking skin as soon as possible, micro-needling might be for you! Interested in learning more? Check out our micro-needling page for more details about this acne scar treatment option and schedule a free consultation with us today!

Ready to Get Rid of Those Acne Scars?

Take the next step towards acne free skin with these acne scar treatment options. Wondering which treatment option is right for you and your skin? Let our experienced skincare specialist guide you!

Schedule a free consultation at Garcia Plastic & Hand Surgery today! Give us a call at 518-793-0475 to quickly and easily request a consultation.

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