How to Decide on a Breast Implant Size

How to Decide on a Breast Implant Size

Whether you’ve never felt quite comfortable with your breast size, or you’re looking to regain lost breast volume after motherhood, a breast augmentation—sometimes referred to as breast enlargement—is a great procedure that can enhance your breast size, shape, and volume.

But how do you know which breast implant size is right for you?

The truth is: everyone’s body and daily activities are different. And the breast implant size you think you want may not actually be the best choice for your proportions and lifestyle in the long run. To assist you with this decision, we’ve compiled some of our top tips for weighing your breast implant size options.

Tips for Choosing a Breast Implant Size

Don’t know which breast implant size is right for you? Keep these four tips in mind:

Consider Your Current Body + Proportions

Don’t base your desired breast implant size on a famous celebrity’s breasts or even your friend’s breasts for that matter. Their bodies are different from yours, and just because their breast size works on them, it does not mean it will be flattering to your figure. If you have petite features, a larger implant may look too wide on your frame, whereas it may suit a taller woman. Your plastic surgeon can assist you with selecting an implant size that is in proportion with your shoulder width, height and rib cage to achieve natural-looking results.

Keep Your Lifestyle in Mind

Are you a long distance runner? If so, smaller implants may be the best choice for you. Looking for larger cleavage so you can fill out your dream dress? Then larger implants can help you achieve that look. When choosing a breast implant size, it’s crucial to consider not just aesthetics, but everyday factors of your life including: the types of clothes you wear, how often you exercise, the physical demands of your job, etc.

Test Out Different Implant Sizes

As breast implants are measured by volume in terms of CC’s (cubic centimeters), testing out different sizes of implants is actually quite easy to replicate in your own home. By simply filling a plastic baggy with uncooked rice or water, you can insert the test-implant into a fitted sports bra so you can try out the look and feel of larger breasts before making a permanent decision. Try a variety of sizes and go about your daily activities with to see if the size and appearance is right for you.  Implant sizers are also typically available to try on at your Plastic Surgeon’s office.

Listen to Your Plastic Surgeon’s Advice

It’s helpful to have an idea of the final size you’d like to achieve through breast enlargement surgery so that you can review your options with your doctor, but don’t get dead-set on one particular size. Plastic surgeons do hundreds of breast augmentations — they know what will look and work best on your body! After a personalized consultation, your plastic surgeon will be able to give you a vetted implant size recommendation based on their education and experience.

Additional Factors You’ll Need to Consider After Choosing an Implant Size

Once you’ve determined your desired breast implant size, there are still additional choices to be made including:

As part of your initial consultation, your doctor will walk you through all of these options to align you with an implant size, shape, and placement that’s best for you and your lifestyle.

Ready To Take The Next Steps Towards Achieving the Enhanced Breasts You’ve Always Dreamed Of?

If you’re looking for an experienced breast implant surgeon in the Glens Falls area, look no further than Dr. Garcia of Garcia Plastic & Hand Surgery. Conveniently located near Saratoga Springs, Queensbury, and Lake George, Dr. Juan Garcia is one of the area’s top plastic surgeons!

Whether you’ve decided to move forward with breast implants or you’re still exploring your options and wondering if breast augmentation is right for you, we’d be happy to chat with you. Schedule your consultation by calling 518-793-0475 or contacting us online!

Have you decided to move forward with breast augmentation?  Read our easy tips you can implement to make your breast augmentation experience as easy and stress-free as possible.

Still have questions about the great augmentation surgery?  We answered common questions we hear about breast augmentation so you can be well informed about the procedure and its risks and outcomes.

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