Breast Reduction FAQs

Breast Reduction FAQs

Breast reduction surgery, or reduction mammaplasty, is a corrective procedure designed to reduce the size of breasts by removing excess skin, fat and breast tissue to women with overly large breasts.

While it can be done for aesthetic reasons to make breasts appear fuller and more youthful, breast reductions are often done for health reasons, to help women whose large breasts negatively impact their bodies and lifestyle.

In this blog post, we’ll answer some of the most common questions we hear about breast reduction surgery so you can be well informed about the procedure and its risks and outcomes as you’re deciding whether or not it’s right for you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Reduction Surgery


At What Age Can You Get a Breast Reduction?

Large or heavy breasts may cause complications for some girls as early as their mid-teens. If breast reduction surgery is done before a female’s breasts are fully developed, she may require an additional surgery later in life. Therefore if you want to avoid an additional breast surgery, its suggested a breast reduction be put off until a woman has reached her adult height and her breasts are fully mature.

Breast reductions are also available to men who suffer from gynecomastia. Learn more about male breast reduction surgery.

How Long After Pregnancy/Breastfeeding Can You Get a Breast Reduction?

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the size of your breasts may fluctuate as your body readies itself for lactation and weaning. Therefore, a breast reduction surgery should not be performed until your breasts have stopped fluctuating and have returned to a stable size, which is typically three months post-birth, or three months post-breastfeeding.

Is a Breast Reduction Covered by Insurance?

Some insurance companies may cover some or all of the costs of breast reduction surgery if medical necessity can be proven, meaning the surgery is being done to relieve symptoms caused by large breasts, like neck, back and shoulder pain or skin infections.

In the case that breast reduction surgery is not covered under your insurance, our practice does accept the CareCredit, Prosper Healthcare Lending, and GreenSky Patient Solutions, which make it easier to fit a breast reduction procedure into your budget. More information can be provided to you at your consultation.

How Long Does it Take to Heal After a Breast Reduction Surgery?

On average, the initial recovery period for breast reduction surgery lasts one to two weeks. Mild to moderate pain may occur and can be easily controlled with Tylenol.

Depending on the type of work you do, you may be able to return to work within a few days after your surgery, however Dr. Garcia recommends minimizing heavy lifting, running and jumping for at least six weeks after surgery.

What Are the Potential Complications of Breast Reduction Surgery?

There is some degree of risk associated with any surgery. In addition to common side risks like bleeding or infection, potential risks of breast reduction surgery include loss of breast tissue, decreased nipple sensitivity, nerve damage, asymmetrical breasts, and scarring. 

Will I Still Be Able to Breastfeed?

Depending on your breast composition and the surgical technique used, there is a possibility you may not be able to breastfeed after breast reduction surgery as milk ducts and nerves are removed along with breast tissue during the surgery.

Interested in Breast Reduction Surgery? Book Your Consultation Today!

With breast reduction surgery, women can enjoy proportioned breasts and feel more comfortable in their bodies and confident in their appearance. If this is something you would like to learn more about and you live in the Saratoga or Glens Falls area, request a consultation or call the office at (518) 793-0475 today.

Wondering what to expect when it comes to breast surgery? Get the details and find out how to make your breast surgery experience as easy and comfortable as possible.

Concerned about scarring after surgery? Check out our 3 important things to know about scarring after plastic surgery.

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