Easy Age Spot Treatment Options That Can Help Restore Your Confidence

Easy Age Spot Treatment Options That Can Help Restore Your Confidence

Have you been noticing an increase in the brown sots on your face, hands, chest, or elsewhere on your body?

These age spots, or sun spots, tend to increase as you age. As a result, they leave many people feeling a bit self-conscious about their complexion.

If your brown age spots leave you feeling less than confident, we have great news: There are a number of (easy) things you can do to treat them!

Age Spot Treatment Options: How To Reduce The Appearance Of Brown Spots

If you're looking to reduce the appearance of your age spots, you have a lot of options. There are a variety of age spot treatment options available. Here are a few of the most popular - and effective - ways to treat age spots.

IPL Treatments

Intense Pulsed Light skin treatments are typically completed in a medical spa office, but they are quick, require no downtime or recovery, and provide noticeable results in a short period of time. As a result, they are one of the most popular age spot treatments we offer!

Here are Garcia Plastic & Hand Surgery, we have recently upgraded our IPL system to the Lumenis® M22 IPL, the latest improved technology when it comes to IPL treatments! The new system provides faster, gentler treatments - come in and experience it for yourself! Make an appointment with us today!

Chemical Peels

Another popular in-office treatment option, chemical peels are typically used to treat age spots on the face, neck and chest. They are fast and, like IPL treatments, require little to no recovery time. Plus, in most cases you can see the results of chemical peels immediately, with results improving after every subsequent treatment.


Lytera 2.0 is a new pigment correcting serum that brightens dull skin and helps to reduce the appearance of skin discolorations and dark spots, including brown age spots. Though it is an at-home treatment option, Lytera typically produces fast results, with noticeable improvements occurring as soon as 2 weeks.


Retinol is typically found in anti-aging skincare products since it helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Though age spots aren't actually caused by aging, retinol is still helpful when it comes to treating them.

The Secret to Treating Age Spots

We'll let you in on a little secret. The most effective way to treat age spots is to combine the forces of multiple treatment strategies to holistically treat and replenish your skin. Combining in-office procedures like IPL treatments and chemical peels with at-home remedies like Retinol and Lytera 2.0 can make a significant difference!

Preventing Age Spots

Contrary to what many believe, age spots are not caused by aging. Like many other skin pigmentation changes, they are primarily caused by exposure to the sun.

Want to prevent age spots? Check out the following articles for some tips on how to keep your skin healthy and protected in the summer so you can avoid age spots!

Summer Skincare Tips: Secrets For Keeping Your Skin Healthy This Summer

Top 5 Reasons to Wear Sunscreen This Summer

Ready To Get Rid of Your Age Spots & Enhance Your Confidence? We Can Help!

Wondering which age spot treatment option is right for you? Schedule a consultation at Garcia Plastic & Hand Surgery today! During your appointment, we'll take a look at your complexion and work with you to determine which treatment option will be best for you, then start you on your way to achieving a clearer complexion.

Have questions or want to schedule your appointment over the phone? Give us a call today at 518-793-0475.

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